Darren S

Well Known Member
Or anyone with similar tank repairing experience.

My old faithful -7, 1500 hrs, 14 years old, painted, has leaking wing tanks that are getting worst.

Paint bubbling on the rear seal rivets started years ago, now finally there?s blue dye streaks coming from the right tank.

I?m looking to hire someone to fix this for me. It?s too big a job for me.

I want to fly the plane somewhere, drop it off, pay cash when the job is done and fly back home.

I?ve tried reaching Paul Beck at Weep No More, in Minnesota. I?ve left 4 messages. Haven?t heard back from him so I?m looking elsewhere.

Dan, if you read this, can you help me out ? Or know of someone who?s willing to do this for me ? I can?t ignore it anymore.

Whitman, thanks for the link. Never heard of these guys. I'll call them on Monday.

I've tried to contact Paul but as I said in the original post, he's not returning messages or emails. I assume he's still in business but if he's on holidays then it would be nice to say so on the answering machine.

I'm looking for someone to take the tanks off, do the work and then put them back on for me.
Sorry, but I'm not taking in work right now. Paul Beck, or Hotel Whiskey, or ask Vic.

As I understand Paul's process, he chemically strips all the old sealant.
I had hotel whiskey fix my right tank. It never stopped leaking. It is coming off next month again and is going to paul at weep no more.
I'm no Dan but last year I fixed a fuel tank leak on a Beech Musketeer with a HF vacuum pump, a sealant gun with a 3ft piece of aluminum tubing attached/bent appropriately, and a cheap inspection camera taped to the end of the tubing. It was fairly deep on the rear of the tank by accessing it thru the opening in-between the spar and rear tank baffle from inside the rear passenger area. Tank removal on this airplane involves de-mating the wing so this was a hail mary pass before drastic measures were taken. It ended up working beautifully. I taped the fuel cap and vent, drawing the vacuum thru the vent line. I "blipped" the pump and watched the skin draw in, and knew I got the leak stopped when the vacuum held.