
I'm New Here
Hi, I'm getting ready to pull the trigger and buy a flying RV sometime in the fall. I'm looking at the 6a, 7a or 9a. I'm based in Northeast PA and New York City (I live in Manhattan, but have a weekend house in PA where I do most of my flying in a club Cessna 150 out of KMPO).

I've never even sat in any of these RVs and would like to get some exposure before I start the purchase search in earnest. Could anyone help me out? I'm a relatively new pilot (117 hours), and would love to go flying with an experienced RV owner who could share some wisdom and, perhaps, the controls. Given aircraft availability, I could fly the 150 to anywhere within, say 150NM of KMPO to meet up. I would, of course, share the expenses and would be happy to pick up the lunch tab as well.

Please PM me if you would be willing to help me out.

Pete nice to have you here. I have an RV9A within your reach. It's not a showplane but it flies just the same awesome. I am a kind of tied now but it can ease up any day :D

Will PM you in couple days.
Pete nice to have you here. I have an RV9A within your reach. It's not a showplane but it flies just the same awesome. I am a kind of tied now but it can ease up any day :D

Will PM you in couple days.

Pete - you wouldn't want to fly with Vlad. His airplane only understands commands in Russian. And if you notice from his picture, Vlad always flies against the surface traffic. Also, you don't want to be buying Vlad lunch unless you're feeling particularly well-heeled... :p

All kidding aside, Vlad is a legend in the RV community, and his airplane has gone more places than you can shake a stick at. Take him up on his offer - you won't find a better RV ambassador out there!
i conceede to one of the greatest RV pilots of all times! he is one of thee nicest people I have ever flown with! (although his RV has a wheel up front instead of at the tail!)!
humbled fred