Looking to buy. Have a C-182 now and want to diversify

Wish I would have seen this last night... Learning to fly, in my RV-12. Went right over the Vincent Thomas waypoint, could have waved hello.

Just know that you need to pick your days to fly when the winds aloft aren't too bad, or the crosswinds on the runway, if you do decide to go with your other choice you are looking for, a RV-12. Otherwise it's a very fun, efficient airplane.

I'd suggest putting an ad up in the For Sale /Wanted section.

Good luck!
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good choice

Have owned a straight tail 182 and now have a 9A. I love the RV. It fits my mission as the 182 was too slow going state to state. I don't worry about wind. Not a problem, just as the 182 did not behave badly.
Maybe the RV12 is very light. Never had one.
Anyway, good luck in your search. Most owners are here on this site, but now and then I see an RV on Barnstormers. Not sure why, but they make me suspicious.
Maybe the RV12 is very light. Never had one.

I know little about the RV-12, nor can I speak to the 182.... but I have a lot of time in 172's and 172XP's. I've found my -9A to be a wonderful plane in bumpy air and in crosswinds. I'll never go back.
Hello Curt. Chris Pratt here. Do you remember me from the Atlantic Aviation days back in the mid to late 80s. Long time ago. I was AAC's VP Advertising. I built and still fly an RV-8. 15 years of flying so far. I know you're looking for a 9A so just want to say that all the RVs are great planes to fly. Fast, smooth handling and great visibility.

Good luck with your search. If I hear of anything I'll let you know.

Good choice on the model Curt. You will love it.
