
Well Known Member
I purchased my kit partially completed and it did not Come with the wing shape template. I have rigged my ailerons using the tooling holes, but still not sure I have it just right. Plus I would like to check my up/down mounting alignment.

I was hoping someone nearby (150 miles or so) might have one that I could use to make a tracing, so that I can build my own. I am happy to fly to your airport to make the tracing.


Wing template

Years ago Vans sold me a printed sheet of the wing shape for just a few bucks
Not sure if it's feasible to do, but IIRC, the wing is a NACA 23013.5 airfoil. If someone had the appropriate dimensions and the right toolkit, they could probably gin up a full-size CAD drawing of the shape...

You didn't say what issue you're trying to solve...if the ailerons are aligned using the correct tooling holes, and the flaps and wingtips to to the ailerons (using the jigs to hold the pushrods), what effects are you seeing that you're trying to resolve? Just curious...
I struggled with a heavy left wing in phase I. While I ultimately resolved it by making the TE edges of equal shape on both sides and used a trim tab (wedge) on right aileron. As I was considering moving one of aileron hinges, I realized that it was very difficult to see where they belonged, heightwise, with straight edges.

I used the tooling holes to set the ailerons at the airport (by myself in the breeze). However, I had previously done this in my garage and set the wingtips in the correct plane and the second rigging didn't exactly align with those. Further, I found that bringing the flaps up a couple degrees gave me another 3 MPH in cruise. I don't know if this is due to the initial rigging being off or just that a reflex adds speed on these wings. During my annual, I moved the ailerons up to match the flaps (even with wing tips), but don't think this added to speed and may have even dropped it a bit.

Long story short, I want to do the aileron and flap rigging again from scratch and feel that a wing template in addition to the tooling holes will help me. I am thinking that I may be able to get rid of the wedge if I can properly address the hinges.

Pretty sure I have 2 wooden ones.

At c-56 Bult Field near Monee Il. I and other builders have used them and one needs repair.
At c-56 Bult Field near Monee Il. I and other builders have used them and one needs repair.

Jim, Thanks for the offer. I ended up calling Van's this afternoon and they got me a paper copy shipped out for a few bucks.

Thanks for the tip Vern!
