
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
This is going to sound funny - but last weekend I was training in Moriarty NM in the Bonusjet. As I strapped into the cockpit for the first time Friday afternoon, I decided that I didn't have room for my kneeboard, so I handed it to my wingwalker and asked that he take care of it. Apparently, he handed it to another fellow on our team and told him to "put that in Paul's RV". Well....that fellow didn't know that my RV-3 was sitting in a hangar - so he put it in the nearest RV he could find - and that was a white/green RV-8 that I found out belongs to a fellow who tows for the local soaring facility - but I don't know his name.

I didn't know all this until a couple of days later, when I was seriously looking for my kneeboard to head home - and no one could remember the fellow's name. So here's a shout out to see if anyone know who that is - and if you're on here, how abut sending me a PM!

I'll be back in Moriarty Monday - through Wednesday.

Ha! This reminds me of a time the wife and I were shopping. She left the store before I did to go sit in the car. Five minutes later I walk out and she's not in the car. I look around for her, thinking maybe she's talking to someone and low and behold, she's sitting in a vehicle just like ours! (She'll probably divorce me if ever sees this) :D

One time I left my truck in employee parking while I was out on a trip for my out of town father to use while I was gone. Who would have known there that would be identical Silver Sport-tracs about 10 spaces apart, both unlocked with the keys under the floormats. He came to the first one he found, loaded his bags and headed out. Fortunately he figured it out before he left the parking lot, said something just doesn't feel right, this truck is way too clean to be my son's! No harm, no foul!
I think it may be waiting for you. I got ahold of the owner of the RV-8 and he said he was able to get it in the correct hands...check your PM's for contact info of the gentleman.


One time I left my truck in employee parking while I was out on a trip for my out of town father to use while I was gone. Who would have known there that would be identical Silver Sport-tracs about 10 spaces apart, both unlocked with the keys under the floormats. He came to the first one he found, loaded his bags and headed out. Fortunately he figured it out before he left the parking lot, said something just doesn't feel right, this truck is way too clean to be my son's! No harm, no foul!
It's embarrassing enough when it happens with similar cars (or planes) with doors unlocked, but bizarre enough on top of that when your keys work in a different car. When I was in high school my mom had parked near one of my teachers who had the same make and model minivan...and her keys worked in it! She got in, started it, and started to back out of the parking spot when she looked over her shoulder and realized the stuff in the backseat wasn't hers.
Paul, did you fly the Sub-Sonex?

Sure would love to strap that thing to my rear end for an hour!
I had a rental in San Jose about ten years ago. White Toyota hatchback.

Parked it in a lot in downtown 1st St for dinner one night, then came back a couple of hours later, slid the key in the door, unlocked it, climbed in.

I noticed that my jacket wasn't on the passenger seat, and started looking around the car for it or wondering if I'd forgotten it at the restaurant... then after a few moments worked out that I had actually broken into someone else's car, and my car was three or four spaces further along.

Quickly exited, closed and locked the door, and hoped nobody noticed. The last thing a visitor to the USA needs is a late night discussion with police officers about grand theft auto!

- mark