
Well Known Member
Hi all-
I have a crankshaft at Lycoming that purportedly has some corrosion on it. I am unable to make it over to Williamsport to look at it in person, and it has been deemed unairworthy, so at this point I am just information gathering. The photos received from Lycoming are difficult to read, so I'm hoping there might be a VAF'r out there local to Williamsport who wouldn't mind driving over to the factory to take a look at the crank and give me an objective description of what they can see. You don't need to be a metallurgist but some familiarity with engines would be nice. I can reimburse you for your time.
If interested, please email me at [email protected] and provide a phone number/convenient time I can reach you.
Can't help you on that but do note Lycoming Engines is located in Williamsport, Pa and not in Virginia.

Grew up there back in the late 50s and 60s where they were the biggest local employer with about the best pay, over 2000 employees and nearly 100% of the engine was forged, cast and machined at the plant. As I understand they now outsource about everything and only have about 200 employees. Have my dads old log books from their flying club. In 1966 a PA12 was $5 wet. Times and economics have changed.