
Well Known Member
Hi everyone,

I tried to go flying this evening but ran into a problem with my Flightcom 403 stereo intercom. When I powered up the avionics after engine start my passenger and I both heard a very loud continuous beeping sound in our headsets. I was able to get rid of the sound by rotating the squelch knob on the intercom counter-clockwise, but we could not hear each other regardless of where the squelch was set. I also got the same tone in my headsets whenever I pressed the PTT switches, one on each stick. I could hear the tower transmissions just fine once I squelched the tone out. The intercom has been working fine for the last year of flying, so I'm looking for any ideas before I start taking things apart to get to the jacks and intercom.

I am using the Flightcom 403, an Icom A200, a QT Halo headset, and a David Clark headset with the Headsets, Inc. kit for ANR. I have the intercom wired for stereo use, and have not had this problem in 80 hours or so of flight.

Thanks for any ideas and help.