
Well Known Member
Hi folks,


Can those of you with engines on your work bench please look at the OP sender (has long grey cable hanging out of it from front right of engine). We are trying to nail down the honewell part number printed on a label on the side of the sender. Ours is faded and all we can read is MLH010... after that it's gone. It's as if these parts sat around in the sun for a long time. :cool:

With the actual part number we can narrow down acceptable replacements (those with only cable variations). I'll make some calls to find suppliers that don't want $400 for an $80 part. I might even order a few extras and re-cable them with the necessary hi-temp heat shield.

Honeywell pressure sensor

Perhaps this link to a Honeywell pdf document will help find the oil pressure sensor part number:
New Part has visible part number

Richard wrote down the honeywell number from the new OP sender he picked up from CPS - along with a 4 page warranty submission form that will get sent to Austria before he gets his money back.

The number (just texted to me from R) is MLH010BSDJ1231. It doesn't line up with the honeywell table (Thanks for the link to that - I kept losing it online).

The new part is working ok. We are seeing (as before) OP in the 40-60 PSI range when at 5000 RPM. It fluxuates between these to extremes. Is anyone else seeing this range of change in OP? We know that 27-60 is "normal" but are wondering if a 20 PSI variation is also considered normal for a Rotax.


O.P. thread size

If anyone knows the O.P. sender thread size and electrical output (4 to 20ma or whatever), it would be good information to have for future reference. I assume from the part number MLH010BSDJ1231 that the pressure rating is 10 BAR or about 150psi. The Dynon FlightDek-D180 manual gives the Rotax part number: P/N 956413)
OP Part info

It is the .5 to 4.5v regulated part with 1/8 NPT. As you noted, its 10 Bar (or 160 psi I think). Several of the other part numbers could work in its place by wiring the connector supplied with those parts to the existing wire but you would need to make sure you used hi-temp splices and heat-shrink to seal and secure it.

We ended up buying one from CPS and are now back in the air. Someday we might even get a refund. :)

- Neil
It is the .5 to 4.5v regulated part with 1/8 NPT. As you noted, its 10 Bar (or 160 psi I think). Several of the other part numbers could work in its place by wiring the connector supplied with those parts to the existing wire but you would need to make sure you used hi-temp splices and heat-shrink to seal and secure it.

We ended up buying one from CPS and are now back in the air. Someday we might even get a refund. :)

- Neil

Glad to hear you are flying again. How much was the unit from CPS?