
The Titan O-360A1A in my RV-8 has developed an oil leak. I could live with it, but I don't want to, so I'd appreciate any and all ideas on the best ways to clean that engine and find the leak. In particular, what should I avoid? Thanks!
Engine cleaning

Try this:

Remove cowl and spray everything firewall forward with mineral spirits to clean all the oil and gunk off.

Spray the engine down with water to clean off mineral spirits and left over oil.

Ground run engine until oil temp reaches 150 degrees. This is important, as cold oil won’t leak as easily.

Shut down and look for leaks.

IMPORTANT NOTE: some ignition systems can’t handle getting wet. Magnetos can but others come with warnings.
I second this.. mineral spirits work great.. soak it well, use a tooth brush on anything stubborn, hit with water.
I use brake cleaner. It works great and since it dries real fast, there is no need to rinse.

Brake Cleaner.jpg

Buy some when they go on sale and just keep a small stock. Oh, and you can also use it to clean brakes.

To easily find an oil leak, after the engine is clean, fly it for a while depending on how bad the leak is. If it is just a tiny leak, you may have to fly it more than once. Then take some tire talc powder and lightly blow powder on the engine. When the powder makes contact with oil it becomes dark. The more oil it makes contact with, the darker it gets. You will quickly see where the leak is coming from.

Tire Talc.jpg
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How about A/C cleaner from HD or Loews.

I don’t know what that is.. but mineral spirits is so cheap.. doesn’t damage the rubber parts, or paint.. A one gallon can and a spray bottle will last for years..I use brake clean for other things.. but for cleaning the engine, mineral spirits is awesome!
Uv light will help find a leak as well. Oil has a glow to it under uv.

I like this method. its so easy and no cleanup. Buy a cheap UV flashlight from Harbor Freight. oh, and I use mineral spirits to clean with the water rinse.
Gunk SC

There is a product called "Gunk SC". SC stands for "Special Concentrate". You add one part Gunk SC to 9 parts solvent of your choice.

The SC is an emulsifier. When you rinse the solvent off after cleaning, everything turns milky-white, and when everything dries up, there is absolutely NO residue.

Magic stuff!
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If you have a Vacuum pump, be sure to protect the shear coupling from whichever cleaner you choose to apply. Wrapping it with plastic and duct tape works.
Just to add to the diagnostic instructions, after you clean the engine, run it for a short time, then shut down and inspect. If you don't see the leak, do a run-up then shut down and inspect. If you still don't see the leak then fly it around the pattern once, then shut down and inspect. If you take it for an immediate flight, you might nave more oil that gets blown around the engine and that will make it hard to locate the source.

Engine cleaning

As several have said, mineral spirits. While brake cleaner does a fantastic job on all kinds of really greasy, gunky stuff, I would not use it for bulk engine cleaning, as it will take off the paint!