Wanting to get that first up-close look at an RV, either flying or in pieces. I live between Indianapolis and Bloomington (kbmg) and I'm willing to drive a couple of hours for the privilege of gawking unabashedly at your pride and joy! ;)

Email me at martorious <at> earthlink.net or cell phone at 317-370-8147

I work weekends, but I'm usually off by 3pm.

Thanks a bunch, and hope to be joining the RV crowd within the next couple of years... :)

Belated update on the Search for a grin

The following events occurred Wednesday July 6th, and was from my post to the RV email lists. I didn't want to leave any loose ends, so I'm reposting it here for posterity's sake. :D

Ok, it's past my bedtime, but I couldn't shut down for the night
without sharing my GRIN!

It all started when I finally found time to make my first EAA Chapter
1311 meeting tonight, (running an hour late after following the wrong
directions and finding myself at Indianapolis (IND) instead of
Hendricks Co (2R2) where I was supposed to be, but that's another
story). I made my 'fashionably late' entrance and enjoyed the end of
a presentation by a local insurance agent talking about the various
permutations of aircraft insurance (very informative, but legalese is
not my native language <grin>).

After a break for pizza, we sat down to a home video of several
chapter members doing volunteer work at Oshkosh helping to set up for
Airventure. During the video I got a tap on the shoulder and the
magic question "Would you like to go fly?" posed to me. I looked at
Jon Byrum with what must have been a look of joy that could have only
been topped if he had told me I had won the lottery, which as far as I
was concerned I had. He led me to the only experimental on the ramp,
an absolutely gorgeous RV-7A that was built by him and Vern Sullenger.
After the customary once over of where to step and where to place
hands (I've been on the lists long enough to know that the canopy is a
no-no for hand hold, so thanks guys for the education!) I was finally
sitting in an RV. We started up and taxied out for a great sunset
flight over Central Indiana. We weren't in a hurry, so an easy climb
to 4500 as we turned westward to see the last of the pink horizon
start to dim, the city lights and vehicle traffic going about their
business so far below. He set trim as we leveled off and settled in
to a cruise of 168 knots and he handed over the controls. Let me add
that I don't have my private ticket yet, in fact I've only taken my
introductory flight in a Cessna 152, so that is my only point of
reference. As I've heard so many times before, the controls are light
and very responsive. If I even thought about banking or changing
pitch it seemed the plane moved despite the fact that I was sure the
stick hadn't moved. I guess I was more anxious about handling someone
else's plane with my 0 hours, because I handed control back over to
him without a fight as we turned back for the airport. After a
greaser of a touchdown, he taxied up to the ramp and let me out. He
taxied back out and took off, waggling his wings at me as I stood
there and gawked with a major grin plastered on my face.

Many thanks to Chapter 1311 and especially Jon Byrum for an evening
that I'll never forget, which is eventually going to cost me around
40-50,000 dollars and about five years of my life! But it'll be worth
it as long as I have my very own RV when I'm done.

Sorry for the long post, but I had to put it in words while the
feeling was fresh, although I doubt I'll forget it anytime soon.

Marty Puckett
(Dang, my cheeks are going to be sore in the morning!)
Looking for a grin...

While I wait for the wings to arrive (shipping the week of Osh no less), I'm stuck pondering the thought that I haven't yet actually flown in an RV.

Anybody in the GTA (+2hr drive or so) that would be willing to let me top off the tanks in exchange for a short flight in an RV? I'm building an 8, but would be happy to get a ride in any model :)

Fly safe,
Kent in Whitby
I live in St.Thomas, two hours west of you. I have a F1 EVO. I know it is not a RV8 but it does in a pinch. There are quite a few RVs at the brampton airport, try calling Charlie Douma.

Tom Martin
Thanks Tom. A good friend of mine (Greg Kelly) had a ride in your -4 maybe 10 yrs ago or so when he was dusting. He often tells me to look you up.