
Hello all:

Since my project is almost ready to begin, I figure it's never too early to get some quality tail wheel instruction. My background is this: 11,000+ hours TT, mostly in heavy jets. Total taildragger time is: 0.0. That's right, nada, goose egg, zippo...........

Anyway, if anyone out there could recommend a good (and patient) instructor in the Chicago area, I would greatly appreciate it. The closest airports to me are DuPage, DeKalb, Aurora, Schaumberg and Poplar Grove.

I'm not looking for "transition training" per se, but would prefer instruction in a -7 or -6.

Thanks a bunch,

Paul Berliner
"The view from FL 410 is a lot less fun than at 2500'!"
bergroup (at) aol dot com
630 Eight Six Five 4668
Tail wheel instruction

Paul, I got my tailwheel instruction at Poplar Grove. My instructor was Diana Ingram but I believe she has moved on. They have both a J3 cub and Cessna 140 to instruct and rent in. You will probably start out in the cub on the grass runways then move to the 140 on grass then to the 140 on pavement. I enjoyed the experience very much and got the tailwheel endorsement in anticipation of building and RV7. With 4 kids I am beginning to think I may buy an RV4 for now and sloooooow build a 7 from now to retirement. You might want to check out blue sky aero in Morris they have TW and aerobatic training in a citabria and rent a stearman! I have not been there yet so no first hand experience with them.

Good Luck
Give Greg Morris a call at Gauntlet Warbirds. He is at the Aurora airport. He has a Decathalon for basic tailwheel and acro. If you really want to test your tailwheel skills he has a couple of T6's.

He can be reached at 312-339-6348 or go to the website

I used Greg at Aurora, and he's a good instructor but expensive and sometimes hard to get time with. The plane costs are high too. If I had it to do over I would go to Poplar Grove or Morris. I've heard good things about both places.