
Well Known Member
I am about half way through my IFR training and looking for more opportunities to build practice time. I am allowed to practice with a safety pilot. That pilot needs a PPL, current medical and a willingness to be our eyes for traffic spotting.

Please let me know if you are looking for an opportunity to fly or to help out a local pilot. I am also happy to share some stick time and this is a great opportunity for a pilot looking to get a ride in an RV-6A.

I am based at Schaumburg (06C), but happy to pick you up at your airport in the Chicago area.

I am based out of valpo and also Gary. I am currently in IFR training as well and would be happy to ride safety pilot.
If Scott and you are unable to get together

I can be available weekends and when it gets nicer out evenings during the week. I have not been ifr current for a long time though. But am qualified in all other respects. Based at C56- Bult Field.
Larry, I can still be available for you. As you know the weather in Chicago hasn't been so great even for IFR Training. The couple of nice days this weekend, I wanted to get up in my 9 to get my flying fix. By the way you did a great job on the 7th of Jan. Mark C. 119RV