
Well Known Member
I'm looking to find someone with an RV12 who wouldn't mind taking a short ride. If there's anyone in northern California that would be up for spending an hour or two doing landings and stalls I'd like to hear from you. I've flown the 12 a couple years ago with the people up at Laney but I would just like to spend an hour or so re-allclimating to the plane.

SAC, SCK, STS, SNS - anywhere in between or a bit farther.

I would consider info on any "reasonable" FBO - none of which I've found yet in the SF Bay Area.

Have a look at Scanlon Aviation in Novado located at Gnoss Field (KDVO). I received my RV-12 transition training there.
Thanks, I don't consider $228 and hour for LSA time reasonable.

Nor I really ... but they had the plane and my insurance required time in the RV-12, so I bit the bullet. I will say the instructing was top notch, but all things considered, you are right, it is pricey.
How about going up to Vernonia, Oregon and spending a few hours with Mike Seager? I did my transition training with him and it was very reasonable in cost and enjoyable. He has access to the Van's RV-12 demo plane at cheap rates, and Mike's fee is well worth the experience you will gain. All in all, a lot cheaper than $228/hour.
Thanks Alex and John.
I'm going to call Mike in the morning and see what he says. it's a 10 hour drive or 6+ in the Cessna from here.
I turned the time I spent training with Mike into a mini vacation. Fly in the morning and then the girlfriend and I went exploring the coast in the afternoons.
Flew with Will from Scanlon. Highly recommend him for any NorCal work. Yes they do want a premium for the plane but he's a great guy and I'm sure I'll be flying my airplanes with him soon.