Hey y'all, looking to see if there are any builders/RVators here on the forums from the New England area (Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont). Looking to eventually build one, and would love to take a flight to try it out before I commit! Any connections would be great!
RV's in New England

I'm a three time builder based af KBAF currently with an full IFR RV-7A. I live in East Windsor CT.. Where are you located? I''ll take you for a ride if you want one. If you're a pilot, you sit in the left seat (if you want too, but I'll keep you honest!).

Hey y'all, looking to see if there are any builders/RVators here on the forums from the New England area (Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont). Looking to eventually build one, and would love to take a flight to try it out before I commit! Any connections would be great!

In New England????:eek:

Hahaha I've been living in the south the last 2 years Mike, it's catchy! Originally from RI, lived in the Boston area for 5 years, then been living in Oklahoma and Arkansas the last 2 years. I'll be moving back in about 2 months!

Captain John, you're right in Plymouth? Flown into KPYM a bunch of times for training (out of Quonset, RI and Norwood, MA). I'd love to come check out your operation, and drink some of the RV coolaid...

Fred Stucklen, expect a PM from me in the relatively near future! I would love to take you up on that offer and pick your brain for information on building and IFR certification. I'll be in RI, I live about 20 minutes from Quonset (KOQU). I'd love some left seat time (yes I'm a pilot haha)! I've flown into BAF a few times, the tower controller didn't like me too much for whatever reason. Was just doing a full stop taxi-back and he made me taxi to the ramp, then call him up on ground to taxi back to the runway... Was really unnecessary haha. I have a buddy that lives in the agawam/Springfield area!

Scremm, can't forget about Maine... Just a little far of a drive for me from southern RI haha. Love skiing up there though, and I bet the flying is great in the summer time!
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RV-4 at Nashua, NH (KASH). Prepping for paint now, but you can still hop in to try it on for size. We also have a great diner (Midfield Cafe)... breakfast or lunch is on me.

Welcome Max to the land of Vans Aircraft, diverse opinions, sarcasm, and humor.....as a New Englander you should fit right in!:D:D

I haven't as yet met Fred Strucklen but he did all my Avionics wiring and drawings for my RV6A kit I purchased from a builder in Syracuse and really knows his stuff. Thanks Fred. If you can get a ride from him your in good hands.
I'm in Newport currently without my RV but hope to meet you next winter in Florida Fred.
I will eventually get over to KPMP and look you up. I'm in CT for the summer, but will be returning to KBKV by Nov 1'st.....

I haven't as yet met Fred Strucklen but he did all my Avionics wiring and drawings for my RV6A kit I purchased from a builder in Syracuse and really knows his stuff. Thanks Fred. If you can get a ride from him your in good hands.
I'm in Newport currently without my RV but hope to meet you next winter in Florida Fred.
I have the closest RV to you in Narragansett, my 7A is at Quonset. There are at least 5 other builders working on RV-8's and 9's in RI, though mine is the only one flying that I know of. Would be happy to show you my plane, introduce you to some other builders, and take you for a flight.

Say, where is Al anyway? Thought he would have shown his face in this thread!
If you'd like to see the -12, I just relocated mine to Minuteman (6B6). Any and all visitors welcome.
I have the closest RV to you in Narragansett, my 7A is at Quonset. There are at least 5 other builders working on RV-8's and 9's in RI, though mine is the only one flying that I know of. Would be happy to show you my plane, introduce you to some other builders, and take you for a flight.

Noah! Glad to hear there's an RV presence in Quonset and RI! Did my instrument rating out of Quonset with sindtronix aviation (I think they closed down?). I'll be getting in contact with you for sure when I'm back at the end of September!