
Well Known Member
I have a couple of interested buyers in my RV from Brazil, and I'm looking for some reference and advise. I know Radomir sold his RV to a guy in Brazil, and ended up being great friends with him, and I'm hoping to have the same experience if my buyer comes from there.

Anyone on VAF from Brazil, or know someone down there?

Radomir is in Brazil right now, with the guy who bought his -7A. They are going to the Brazilian version of OSH.
chad: I am in the bussiness of buying and selling aircraft and represent a major manufacturer exclusevelly in a couple of countries in SA selling their entire line of piston, turbo prop and jets. I have sold close to 15 used aircraft from Piston to high end Jets in Brazil alone in the last year. Their economy is fantastic. their currency is strong. Whats not fantastic is the burocracy and paperwork requirements the have. It gets a lot worst for a non certified aircraft.

Speaking from actual experience you need to considerate from begginning (aircraft selection) to end (money in your pocket) 90 days minimun! Their banking regulations wont allow any different. then you have to deal with notarizations, apositlles, consularizations and depending who you got at the consulate..translations...

Brazilians are great people but is in the same for any other S.A's ...Once you made friend, you have a friend for ever and they will open their hearts, homes to you no matter how much time it passes. you just pick it where you left it last.
Thank you Mitch! I'm a broker, but haven't sold anything to South America, but have always heard good things about Brazil, specifically. :)
Use search

Chad, just plug in Brazil into the search and you will find a number of people from Brazil posting to the forums.

I have a couple of interested buyers in my RV from Brazil, and I'm looking for some reference and advise. I know Radomir sold his RV to a guy in Brazil, and ended up being great friends with him, and I'm hoping to have the same experience if my buyer comes from there.

Anyone on VAF from Brazil, or know someone down there?


Hi, Chad. I'm the brazilian buyer of Radomir's airplane. He will arrive today in Brazil to stay a week flying his ex-airplane. I can help you with your doubts about selling it to Brazil. If you want, send me an e-mail to [email protected]. But just to antecipate, there is a lot of burocracy in Brazil, but if you sell your plane in USA and receive all the money prior to shipment, I don't see any problems... Our burocracy will be the buyer's problem.

Make sure you roll Radomir at least once! He would never let me do it while he owned the former N777TY. Just don't tell him I put you up to it! :D