
I'm New Here

I live in Chandler, AZ and am looking for other RV pilots interested in formation flying. I am interested in flying form with those who take it seriously and place safety first. I am a former Naval Aviator and have some RV formation experience. If you or someone you know is interested please respond.

Thank you all and fly safe!

I'm in

I'm interested. Been looking for the right time to attend one of the formation clinics. My plane is in the paint shop now, but will be ready soon. I was going to advertise to find someone interested in flying to Monument Valley for some air to air photos (Got to show off the new paint job). I'll PM you.
I'm in

I'm in
Attended the Texas Clinic hosted by Falcon last June-
I'm looking for practice- Have some experience.
This is definitely a degrading skill without Safe and disciplined practice..