
Well Known Member
I am about ready to sell my 6A and would like to have a professional Condition Inspection done by a third party. My primary driver is to help reduce liability, but it also seems like the right thing to do - getting an unbiased set of eyes on my plane. Also hoping that it will help potential buyers to have confidence in my plane. It seems pointless to me to have the CI done by someone that does not have a decent amount of RV experience though.

I would really appreciate any referrals or recommendations.

I am about ready to sell my 6A and would like to have a professional Condition Inspection done by a third party. My primary driver is to help reduce liability, but it also seems like the right thing to do - getting an unbiased set of eyes on my plane. Also hoping that it will help potential buyers to have confidence in my plane. It seems pointless to me to have the CI done by someone that does not have a decent amount of RV experience though.

I would really appreciate any referrals or recommendations.


How far are you willing to fly? There are several in central Ohio I can recommend. If you email me, I can send your their contact information if you are interested.
Maybe, maybe not. I think a lot of potential buyers will want their own mechanic to look at the airplane anyway. They?ll assume your A&P was working for you. Nothing dishonest here; just he may say ?part xyz is still airworthy?, while the buyers mechanic would say ?part xyz is okay but will probably need replacement in a year?. If you?ll sleep better at night, you could tell buyers any sale is conditional on their A&P signing it off, and build the cost into the contract. I suspect that will also be seen an honest approach. But as far as avoiding lawsuits, let me know when you come up with a workable plan.
If you’ll sleep better at night, you could tell buyers any sale is conditional on their A&P signing it off, and build the cost into the contract. I suspect that will also be seen an honest approach. But as far as avoiding lawsuits, let me know when you come up with a workable plan.

That was my original plan. Just thinking it could be better doing it in advance. however, I see your point about bias.

No magic bullet on liability. Just trying to take as many steps as possible to avoid a negligence claim as well as building a potential defense based upon expert oversight.
