Well Known Member
I live in Virginia Beach, VA. I am *thinking* about flying my RV-10 down to Kennedy Space Center for the launch (next Saturday). My plan would be to slum it a bit. Fly down on Friday, either camp or get a cheap hotel room, watch the launch and come home.

Weather permitting of course.

Could be a complete bust if they have a delay.

Just looking for 1, 2 or 3 riders to share fuel expenses.

If you are interested and live near my route of flight, please PM me.

Hi Bruce..

.....there are two of us here thinking about your offer. We're in Georgia at 2J3....5000' paved airport. It'll put a bit of a kink in your route.

It looks like Louisville is just about on my track.


As long as you are flexible about weather and recognize that my plan mostly is "play it by ear" I think we can make it work.

Let me know.