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Active Member

I'm admittedly a newbie, and was originally in the market for a -4 but have recently become very interested in a -8 located in Yakima, WA at the cubcrafters factory. I'm currently stuck way down in Altus, Ok for the next several months training up on the 135 and am asking a favor of the community to refer me to a respected builder closer to WA to take a look at this aircraft for me in exchange for their fees.

Additionally, if anyone is in the N Texas/ Ok area with a -8 that wouldn't mind taking a day trip to allow me a sandbag ride or two in the backseat and provide some general counseling on such a purchase I would gladly repay with fuel, lunch, beer etc.

I have been a passive member of the forums lately and am trying to sponge as much knowledge as possible before I dive in. Thanks for reading and any help you can provide.

I will let you know that I knew the original builder. He was also an A&P. I will also say that I have flown in that airplane. It is well built. I think you will be very happy with the airplane.
go for it


Randy told me that it is a good airplane. Straght up guy. Send a ck and you have a good airplane.

I will go and fly it back for you. Let me know the details.

Cheers! And ,,,,,,Welcome to Vans Airforce. You will love your new airplane

Thanks for all the replies, Randy does seem like a standup guy and I am very optimistic about the aircraft. I'm currently waiting to see if I get a shot at taking a look at/purchasing this airplane since I wasn't first in line.
Just another positive recommendation for Randy. Before he moved up to Yakima to work for Cubcrafters, he did a couple of Tech Counselor inspections on my project, including helping me after a perceived (by me) disaster on Christmas morning. You can be confident that its a fair deal and a well built plane if he's putting his reputation on the line.

He also tried to get me to buy that -8, but I'm in the market for a side-by-side:rolleyes:
Smokey Ray

I highly recommend Rob "Smokey" Ray. Built one of the the first RV4's, own's an RV6 and flies a Harmon Rocket. He is an experienced A&P and has built many types aircraft & engines, maintained them as well. He is also former USAF F-16 pilot (22 years) and still flies as Captain for Southwest.

At Sun 'n Fun I passed by two booths where people were asking RV questions and over-heard Smokey's name pop up as the man to talk to and called "Mr. RV".

In short...knowledge and experience doesn't come much better.

He has a business to do just what you want called R2 Aviation.

His email: [email protected]
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