
Chief Obfuscation Officer
I have been trying to make some decisions with regards to interior colors (harnesses, paint, seats) and I am looking for examples of beige or taupe (gray beige) interiors.

Classic aero designs has sent me some color swatches for their "Smoke", "Vanilla", and "Desert" colored leathers, but I am having a hard time choosing because I haven't seen examples of each.

Anyone have one of their interiors using any of those colors and can post or send me pictures?


BTW - I found that the actual colors differed greatly from the samples presented online (on Classic Aero's site). While I realize the monitor doesn't represent colors all that well, the difference was greater than I expected.
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Ya, I got leather seat and carpet samples from classic areo as well. My Hooker Harness "pads" are red but the red leather samples from CA are too different a red to use...so, a different leather seat colour combination will have to be chosen. Maybe something mundain like smoke with grey.:confused:We'll see.
Taupe? What kind of guy would consider taupe? :)

As a potentially more useful comment, have you considered one of the synthetic leathers? I was **** bent for leather initially, and a buddy goaded me into inquiring about synthetic equivalents. Luke at CAD followed up with a swatch or two of a product I believe they call "Columbia" which he spoke highly of. You wont save any money using it, but the stuff is very resistant to wear, cleans up with a moist towell, requires no "conditioning" and looks and feels great. Go ahead and tell your frineds its leather if you want, because they wont know the difference.

Just a thought. It probably doesnt come in taupe, but thats a good thing.

your bud

Taupe? What kind of guy would consider taupe? :)

LOL!!! I guess only a guy from the San Francisco area would say "taupe". Notice I did include the words gray-beige for manly-men like yourself. :D ;)

On the subject of leather (I could go on but I won't), yes I am considering the synthetics as well. I am not stuck on leather (pun not intended). I only have the leather samples, and I need to get a sample of the others from CAD. Thanks!
Will this help?


It is Tony Partain's RV-7 of Partain Transport (that I think he sold).

Yes and no. :) That pic is what got me started - Tony's RV (as pictured) is exactly the look I am going for! I emailed CAD with that pic, and they told me it was "smoke" and sent me a sample. The problem is the picture and the sample look completely different, so now I am left looking for other pictures. Thanks.

Here's a picture of the "smoke" sample they sent me. I took this outside in the sunlight. Compare it to the link to Tony's and I think you will agree it is MUCH more gray than beige.
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Email Tony and see if he remembers what color(s) he ordered from CAD. I suspect it is not 'smoke'. That color looks very close to the 'grey' that I ordered and received. Which I do like, BTW.
LOL!!! I guess only a guy from the San Francisco area would say "taupe". Notice I did include the words gray-beige for manly-men like yourself. :D ;)...
This reminds me of a conversation I had with another pilot at a restaurant a few months ago. I was describing our new -4 to him and when I mentioned that the tail was aquamarine, I heard my waitress start laughing. When asked, she told me she had, ?never heard a grown man say aquamarine out loud?.

Jeez, I was so embarrassed :rolleyes: I guess I should have said blue-green, I didn?t know that ?real men? use the macho RGB color code and never, ever utter any color beyond red, green or blue.

On the other hand, maybe some people need to get out more?
The color of Tony's interior looks pretty similar to mine:
although it's hard to tell, cameras, lighting, etc., being what they are. At any rate, CAD called my color "Medium Neutral" a couple years ago when my interior package got ordered. The darker color on mine is 'graphite'.

Mr Blob, I think you got it. You're the first of two refrences to Medium Neutral that I have now seen. Thanks!!! I am emailing CAD right now, hopefully it is still an option.

Tom, even I would never say "Aquamarine" :D :p ;)
Quick update...

I heard back from Anna at CAD and unfortunately for me, Medium Neutral is no longer a color they offer as of a year or so ago. Sigh.

Anna is going to look for something that more closely matches my desires. Through several emails over the past few months I can't say enough about how helpful Anna and CAD has been. Great service!
Do too..

I say taupe and aquamarine. I cry easily too.....real men do! My wife employs 24 waitresses in her 24/7 restaurant and with what little education they have, you don't hear much "taupe" types of words.

Anyway, here's a picture of our interior after 2 years and 300 hours in service...thanks Luke.
