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Old tech limited RVer could use help on operation of sport SX and TruTrak in 6A
I?m in the Tulsa,OK area I?ve read lnstructions 50 times could use some hands on training. Anyone in the vicinity I could use your help. Fly lots be safe. Bob
Old tech limited RVer could use help on operation of sport SX and TruTrak in 6A
I?m in the Tulsa,OK area I?ve read lnstructions 50 times could use some hands on training. Anyone in the vicinity I could use your help. Fly lots be safe. Bob
I live in the OKC area. I have the GRT HX EFIS with TruTrak Vizion. Let me know what you are looking to figure out. Maybe we can figure it out over the phone. If not perhaps we can find a time to meet up somewhere and look at your setup in person. Give me a call if you wish to talk (405-822-0621).
I also need help since I just completed a similar install with a GRT Sport EX in an 6A. But I did get my autopilot and my Flightbox ADSB to talk to it. So, maybe I can help a little. This thing is definitely complicated!
I have a GRT HX controlling a Trio Pro. This thing is amazing, it will fly the airplane from just after liftoff to cruise to minimums on an ILS or LPV, much better than I can hand fly it. But because it has so much capability, there is also a certain amount of set up and selection, i.e., button pushing. I?d be happy to demo it if you?re in the SF Bay area.
If you have an independent autopilot (Trio or TruTrak) I recommend controlling it thru the EFIS. Much easier, and, of course, for ILS or VOR approaches, necessary. But, for safety, try to keep current on how to run the autopilot independent of the efis (not possible of course if you use the GRT autopilot).
I?d be happy to try to answer questions about the Trio Pro; other autopilots, not so much.
I also maybe able to help a little

Like Steve, I fly a GRT EFIS panel RV and live in the OKC area, but mine is the old GRT Horizon WS. My transition from steam gages to EFIS began with this system and it?s been a true learning curve. Steve is a true gentleman and knows his Horizon HS system so I?m sure he can help a lot but feel free to pm me for additional help.

I do recommend you view the UTube GRT videos done by Jerry ?Widget? Morris. While your Sport system does not include all the bells and whistles the Horizon HX system in the videos utilize, there is enough commonality that these videos really expedite the learning curve. Well worth watching! The videos also add understanding to the Users guide.