
Well Known Member
i finished the metal work on the tail last night, and while waiting for my wings to arrive, i'm gonna do the tips on the emp. what i'm looking for, are some links to some good info on trimming, fitting, and installing the tips. i thought i had several sight bookmarked, but i don't know what happened to 'em.

thanks! :)
I outline the process I followed for my Rocket on my web site. You can check to see if these help at all.
My tips are:

Wait till you hang your VS and rudder on your fuselage to place the rudder bottom on. That way you will be able to align it best to the fuse bottom.

Do a neat job on filling in and shaping the tips and they will looks fine without any joint fill. A nice clean joint without globs of filler worked best for me.

I used SuperFill, epoxy, glass cloth, and foam (for closing out the end gaps), and an automotive glazing compound to finish them prior to painting.

Unless you really feel the need to remove them, use pop rivets. Use screws for the wing tips.
