
Hi all.

For my RV6A, I'm looking for a reasonably priced Dynon installer near Central Florida (7FL6) to take out my Dynon D100 system and replace it with the new Skyview HDX.

The servos are already in place.

Take out:
D100, HS34, AP74
VM 1000 engine monitor
Garmin radio stack

Replace with:
Single Skyview HDX (10")
Transponder (Dynon)
AP Panel
Com Panel
SV-Com Remote Transceiver
SV knob panel
Net Hubs
New Pitot Static
IFR Nav Interface
Engine monitor System.

Thank you
Cannot help with the installer unfortunately but would buy the HS34 from you at a fair price.
Hi all.

For my RV6A, I'm looking for a reasonably priced Dynon installer near Central Florida (7FL6) to take out my Dynon D100 system and replace it with the new Skyview HDX.

The servos are already in place.

Take out:
D100, HS34, AP74
VM 1000 engine monitor
Garmin radio stack

Replace with:
Single Skyview HDX (10")
Transponder (Dynon)
AP Panel
Com Panel
SV-Com Remote Transceiver
SV knob panel
Net Hubs
New Pitot Static
IFR Nav Interface
Engine monitor System.

Thank you

Check your PM.
Friend just picked up his Archer from X35 Marion County and was quite pleased with the Dynon installation and time to completion