
I bought an RV4 that was taken apart, I reassembled it. Getting ready to fly it. I have 600 hours in a J-3. I'd like to get some dual to get used to the higher speeds and it also has a controllable pitch prop that I'd like to get "refreshed" on it's operation.

I'm 5' 10", 250lbs. Have commercial/instrument/cfi.


Fran is a Great Guy! :)

Please, help out this man out who is transitioning into the VAF group.

I can vouch for Fran, he's a dedicated Aerial Fire Fighter (flys those really cool helicopters all over the country) and he also hauls equiptment by helicopter doing extremely technical commercial helicopter construction. You couldn't ask for a better guy to help out.;)

Please, step up and help Fran with his -4

Attitude Aviation at Livermore (KLVK) has several TW aircraft for rent, but of course no RVs. You might call them and see if there's anything close.
Hey thanks for the info guys, I'll try the Flyers in Auburn, though Livermore may be to far for me as I'm on standby here during the day.

Rob, thanks for the "glowing intro", but you forgot to say that
"I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night"

Here's a link to one of those HIE commercials with an aviation theme.
not sure of correct method of attaching a link, but here it is.
Hey Fran, the Sacramento RVators are meeting at the north hangars at 11 am today. Somebody might be able to help you out. Free lunch too. If you are operating out of KMCC there are several RVs in the hangars to the west off taxiway Kilo.
Hmm, I drove to KMCC, trying to figure where the RVaters are. Are they on the West side of the field. Line guys at Mc Clellan Jet Services are no help when I asked where the RV guys may be. It appears all the gates on the West side are coded. If I had a contact number might help, or here is my number if someone could call,


Any luck Fran? Transition training into RVs is a good investment. Hope someone near you has stepped up and given some help. :)
Hey thanks everyone for your efforts. I'm back in Illinois now. I got it worked out and made a couple flights in my "put back together" RV4. Have some wiring issues, but otherwise all is good.

I'd post some pics of the wiring, but they're embarrassingly hideous. Maybe later, when I can include some "after" pics.

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