
Well Known Member
I am planning to get my Instrument Rating next year and hope to start in the next couple of months. I plan to do my training in my 6A. Does anyone have recommendations for an instructor that works out of 06C or DPA in the Chicago area?
I am planning to get my Instrument Rating next year and hope to start in the next couple of months. I plan to do my training in my 6A. Does anyone have recommendations for an instructor that works out of 06C or DPA in the Chicago area?

I have a friend that lives in Wheaton that is a CFI. I'll check to see if he has his instrument instruction. He flies an older vtail Bonanza and is also building. He has quite a bit of time in Bonanzas and Wheeler Express, both fast planes, but I don't know if he has any RV experience if that matters. PM me if interested and I'll give him a call.

I would help you out if I wasn't already spending all my free time building! I fly out of UGN though. Don't know any CFIIs down in your neck of the woods.
I would help you out if I wasn't already spending all my free time building! I fly out of UGN though. Don't know any CFIIs down in your neck of the woods.

I know the feeling. I felt "consumed" in my push to finish in my last 6-8 months. Stay at it, as it is worth it. I am having a blast and sure you will as well. Very exciting day to get 190 MPH TAS on a a 320 @ 8 GPH. Made the efforts worthwhile.
