
Well Known Member
I am thinking doing basic mad rather than renew my class 3 medical.

Any recommendations on doctors in So. Cal.? I am in Pasadena area.

Thanks in advance,
Robin Hou
I'm in CO, not CA, so I cannot comment in specific. But at my last physical, I brought my Basic Med form with me and my GP signed off. She said she had seen it once or twice before. No big deal - she completed my routine exam and signed it.
I also had my PCP do my Basic Med exam. He was not familiar with it so I emailed him the links so he could familiarize himself with it. No problem afterward and we did it under a yearly physical exam so it was covered under my medical insurance. He commented it was similar to doing a CDL license exam.
My family doc in Valencia CA had never seen the form before but had no problem filling it out. Just did it a few weeks ago. Best part was that it counted as a normal yearly physical for my work health plan so it was “free”.