
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Louise and I are troubleshooting a Comm problem in the RV-6, and have narrowed it down to the Comm side of her SL-30. I am still not SURE that it is in th radio or the rack, and hate to send the radio in to Garmin only to find out that the problem is not the I was wondering if any builders might have an SL-30 sitting around that we could borrow for a day or two. We'll need to fly with it a little, because the problem seems to manifest itself after 15-30 minutes. I am 95% certain the problem is going to be in her radio, but want to confirm if possible before getting with Garmin.

It's really nice that we have similar audio panels, as we were able to swap those between airplanes and eliminate that as an issue. Same thing with headsets, jacks, etc. - it's nice to have "commonality" in the fleet. Suppose I can use that argument to buy myself an SL-30?:rolleyes:

Not in Houston area...


I have an SL30 I would be happy to lend, but it would need shipped from Illinois. Shipping would likely be much cheaper than a trip to Garmin if not needed, but still not as cheap as someone close by. Let me know if you need it, I am happy to send it if you want.

Ben Schneider
It might be easier to find a volunteer that will put your radio into their airplane and try it.
If you DO have a wiring problem, it is conceivable that it could damage another radio. Probably not, but others might be concerned.
It might be easier to find a volunteer that will put your radio into their airplane and try it.
If you DO have a wiring problem, it is conceivable that it could damage another radio. Probably not, but others might be concerned.

Well, if it was your radio Mel, I'd be willing to take that chance....:p

This is a pretty low-risk problem - the NAV is working fine, doesn't appear to be any circuit protection blowing, just getting power audio/reception when it warms up. I really don't know how this could be an airframe/wiring problem, but might be able to rule that out.

Of course (seriously), I wouldn't want anyone to feel that they were being asked to take a risk they aren't comfortable with.

Or, College Station

It might be easier to find a volunteer that will put your radio into their airplane and try it.

That would probably work, too. But, as Paul said, the plane might have to fly around for a half-hour to bring the problem on.

And, as usual, I'll be up at CLL during the week, so help up there would be good, too.

Buy YOU a new SL30 and then test it out in her plane. Afterwards, install in yours. How could you be thinking otherwise.