
I'm New Here
As many of you have seen when you visited the Nuvite Chemical Compounds Corp tent at OSH, we polish an aircraft during the show to demonstrate our metal polishes. We have done a Swift, Cessna 140, Sonex, Harlow, Ryan SCW and and Ercoupe so far. We would like to polish an RV this year, and are looking for a polishable (some paint trim is OK) aircraft. We will polish it for free, of course! The main requirements are that the metal must be in good condition -preferably never having been polished, and the aircraft must be on site the day before the show opens and can't leave until the afternoon of the last day.
If you are interested, or know someone who might be, call me - Ron Black, Director of Sales & Marketing, Nuvite Chemical Compounds Corp. at (888) 326-6489 (toll free) Thanks!
Polishing an RV

I may be interested....I have an 8 in Michigan and am still undecided on a paint scheme and/or polishing.
I have some questions that I would like to ask. I'll try to contact you tomorrow.
Doug Bell

I have the RV-7A in the formation picture on the main page and am interested in having it polished. I can meet all your requirements for the plane to be parked at airventure.

Glenn Botsford

How have you been, I am the guy that asked a ton of questions last year at OSH, I brought my flap and aileron to have your guys clearify for me a few things. Well its finally all done with the paint and polish. I probably don't qualify for the free polish but if you would like this by the booth I am sure we could work something out. Sorry I couldn't get the picture any larger.

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