
Well Known Member
Aircraft Spruce has the light blue plastic assembly for a single wire (Part # 526) and they also have similar for three wire (Part #376). My RV-8 has the corresponding two wire part, and I can't find it anywhere. I am NOT INTERESTED in the Slick M2375.

Any leads? Part number, vendor, source?


I've Got Some

Ed -

PM me your mailing info and I'll send you one.

David Howe
I tried to find the two hole pass throughs a while back. Like you I was puzzled by the availability of on hole and three hole but no two hole. I seem to remember the manufacturer went out of business and it looks like nobody has taken it up again. When I was looking, Zenith aircraft had some (called out in their build manual) but they wouldn't sell me any. Still looking for the two hole blue ones, and like you I'm not interested in the $32 Slick ones. These should cost not more than $10.
Was rummaging around looking for other stuff in the shop and found two one-holers. Unfortunately, one plus one does not equal two...