
Well Known Member
Need to renew my flight instructor certificates and am looking for an online FIRC that is, in this order: (1) accurate in all regards (2) enjoyable and (3) not too costly. I'm looking for quality here so please don't dilute the issue by talking about which ones are cheapest.



I've gone through the AOPA, Jeppesen, and American Flyers FIRC. I felt the course offered by the AOPA probably offered the greatest breadth and depth of information. However, due to the cost and extreme time commitment required by both AOPA and Jepp., I went to the $99 for life American Flyer's FIRC and have been very happy. I find that reviewing my notes and thumbing through the FAA Aviators Instructor Handbook and my previous notes is the best refresher. YMMV
John and Martha King have an Online FIRC as Well

I've always used a weekend program up to this point, but am currently about half way thru the King on-line FIRC. Personal opinion - excellent.
Terry, CFI
I've renewed using "activity level" (local FSDO), checkrides, weekend FIRCs, and online. They all have advantages and disadvantages. I actually learned a lot more from the checkrides and weekend FIRCs through interaction with other CFIs, some of whom were more active than I at the time. I have used the AOPA/Jepp online course for 3 renewals and I like it. Between renewals I try to stay up on current safety issues through publications from the AOPA Air Safety Foundation and others.
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It depends upon your goal - learning or passing. I am a couple of weeks away from taking the Instrument written. I used the FAA publications for learning, along with some other recommended books and using Sheppard Air for test prep. Sheppard is affordable and of a good quality for the goal of passing the test. I have been very happy with it so far and they have a good reputation for helping students get a passing grade. I wouldn't consider it a good "education tool," just a good tool for acquiring a passing grade.

I don't know what an FIRC is, but I noticed Sheppard had programs for Instructor written's.

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I tried the King

course, after using the AOPA one for a few times. I went back to the AOPA one. I have had the AOPA weekend, and would prefer it, if local. I have tried other weekenders, but they were mostly "tall-tales" experiences.


I started with the AOPA and switched to American Flyers (FIRC-for-life).
Obviously the cost was a factor in the initial decision, but I didn't notice any drop in quality or ease of use.

Now that I've used them for a few renewals and enough time has passed its hard to make any conclusions comparing them to competition.
For me, it's a good course and does the job at the right price.
Did Gleim for years, was good and inexpensive. This time I went with AOPA and was quite pleased, good material and inexpensive.
I've gone with Gleim the last three. In each case I've offered extensi8ve comments on the Sport Pilot portion. Some of their scenarios are incorrect in my opinion and some are not technically wrong but are incomplete (they telll you something is so but don't tell you that other things are so, as well).
I could renew based on qualification (121 check airman) but I have continued to use Ace CFI.
One time cost, renew for life. No paperwork/legwork required on my part. TSA required training too. Decent content and renew at your own pace. A module here, a module there and pretty soon you are finished.
Gleam is quick and easy. It's the one to go to if you're interested in just getting it done.