
Well Known Member

I'm in Atlanta, close to PDK, and I'm looking for an EAA chapter. Of course this being *the* RV home here, I'm looking for other RV builders / aviators. I would have thought PDK would be home to a chapter, but I don't see one listed on the EAA site.

EAA 690

Well.... you just didn't go northeast enough. Huge chapter in Lawrenceville (KLZU). EAA 690. We have pancake breakfasts first Saturday of every month (in fact it's going on as I type this... wish I was there and not at work!)

Come on out any time. You are sure to find an RVer around as we have probably close to 15 on the field now with our newest one taking first flight last week.

While I live pretty close to PDK, I have my airplane at LZU since it was much easier to get a hangar there. The downside is the 30 min drive there but the tremendous upside is all the great RVers and outstanding local help the airport provides. As far as I know, there is only one RV at PDK and that is Paul's gorgeous RV-8.
Today? Wish I had posted this yesterday...

I'll have to check it out next month. Thanks for the quick reply!
Come out next Saturday!


EAA 690 is having a covered dish supper next Saturday, August 11th. Friendship flights begin at 2 pm and the meal around 5. Bring a dessert, a vegatable dish, or a salad. If you don't do those Kroger and Publix do. Buy it. The chapter supplies meat, bread, and drinks. If you have family bring them. You can meet people as there is no formal speaker. This is in place of our August monthly meeting and is called the post Oshkosh bash.

Look at the web site, EAA690.org.

It is a large very active chapter. Excellent group for activities and help. The chapter has tools and other resources.

I live in Dunwoody and PDK is close but I could get a hangar at LZU and the EAA is a great asset. The RV guys are very friendly (except me and I'm naturally an old grumpus).

Larry Dickinson
RV-9A flying
203+ hrs on the hobbs
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Larry D said:

............ The RV guys are very friendly (except me and I'm naturally an old grumpus).

Larry Dickinson
RV-9A flying
203+ hrs on the hobbs

Larry has a sense of self-deprecating humor :D Matter of fact, once you get him started, he can talk for a long time! :)

I'm signed up on the 690 org site. It looks real professional. Might want to nudge the site admin to add your event next weekend to the calendar. Not that I need one more forum to check, but do they have forums there?

I'll come up with something for next week.

To unveil my total noobish-ness, what's a friendship flight?
Friendship Flight


Friendship flights are flights by members in their airplanes offered to those who want to experience the plane. I may give some rides in my RV-9A if anyone is really interested. We have many members with a wide range of ages and interests. A small number of our members are student pilots and want any ride available.

Duane Huff often gives rides in his 1946 "award winning" Chief. I think Larry Bishop has given rides in his A-36 Bonanza. It's very nice. I don't know if he will be there but one of our members has a Rutan Defiant. That's a push pull twin with a canard design like a Long EZ. If Scott Will comes he may be a person to appoach for a ride in an RV-7A. It is a very nice plane and a good example of what a 7 can do. One of our members has a Zenith Zodiac 601 HDS. Steve Hurst said he may have his Mooney 201 there. I can't say who will be there but in recent years the turnout has been very good.

Larry Dickinson
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added as requested in SE forum

tyconnell said:
I'm signed up on the 690 org site. It looks real professional. Might want to nudge the site admin to add your event next weekend to the calendar. Not that I need one more forum to check, but do they have forums there?

Ill let DR add it when we firm up the date... should have an answer by this evening..
Larry D said:

Friendship flights are flights by members in their airplanes offered to those who want to experience the plane. I may give some rides in my RV-9A if anyone is really interested. ...

Larry Dickinson

I will put gas in your plane if you take me up in your -9.

I have the preview plans for a -9. I figure before I get into this any further, I should probably figure out if the 9, or a 7 or an 8 is the one I actually want to end up with. Unfortunately, I can't afford all of them. I'm reasonably confident the -9 is the best choice for me, and will be exciting and rewarding in it's own way. And it sounds like the better choice for a low time pilot. One must admit though, the 7 and the 8 have some slightly "sexier" numbers; One of them will be built. It's just a question of which one.

Offer goes out to -7 and -8 drivers as well. I'll put gas in the tank for a ride to see what they are like.

Ty Connell
Need directions: 690 Hangar @ LZU

Not trying to get my post count up here...

690.org has hangar listed as "NW corner of LZU". Coming from 85N -> 316 East, do I just make a right into Briscoe, and then make the first right on that road in front of the airport? Hangar down on the left? I'm looking at a satellite view on Google maps, and this looks like the most reasonable thing to me.
Coming off GA 316...

- turn RIGHT at Hi-Hope Road
- turn LEFT at the fork in the road (Airport Rd/Hurricane Shoals)
- you should see signs for EAA parking on your right. During EAA events use this entrance.

The first entrance you see to the airport off Airport Road is the one. The EAA hangar is the last one in the row of big hangars, all the way at the end... closest to the runway.

Not sure if I can make it but I'll try.