I am looking for an A&P to do an owner assisted Conditional Inspection in the southern california area. It is an RV7A with Lycoming I0-360, Complex Prop.

Any help would be appreciated
I have an AP-IA friend at LGB that does the inspections on my RV-10. I'll be glad to put you in touch with him if you like. PM me.

"Conditional" Inspection???

Not sure what you are asking Jim but yes, my mechanic has done my Condition Inspection (owner assisted) for the last 4 years. I realize that his IA certificate is not needed for my RV, but he also did the Annual Inspection on our jointly-owned C-172 that I use to fly Young Eagles.

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Jim is referring to your use of the word conditional. The correct term is condition inspection. You're checking the condition of the aircraft. Nothing is conditional upon anything.
Jim is referring to your use of the word conditional. The correct term is condition inspection. You're checking the condition of the aircraft. Nothing is conditional upon anything.

Thank you! You beat me to it. I was going to post nearly the exact same words. (This is one of my "pet peeves"!!) :)
Jim is referring to your use of the word conditional. The correct term is condition inspection. You're checking the condition of the aircraft. Nothing is conditional upon anything.

Darn, guess I should quit flying, sell my plane, roll over and pull the grass in on top of me for that grammatical error!

Conditional: Grammar
(of a clause, phrase, conjunction, or verb form) expressing a condition.

Yes, but... the inspection is not conditional; you're inspecting the aircraft to determine if it's in a condition for safe operation. Not the same as conditional.

Yes but is there really anyone who DIDN'T understand what the poster was asking? Being obtuse or pedantic when someone asks for help serves no one.

A few on the field

Gus at the EAA Chapter 96 hangar at Compton may be able to help you out.
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Xavier and Marc,
Thank you for your helpful responses I will reach out.
you guys make these forums productive and welcoming !

For the record, my earlier post was just to let the OP in on the questioning of the word ?conditional?. I don?t really give a rip one way or the other about it. Not a pet peeve, don?t look down on anyone who says it that way. Potayto potahto my peeps!
Patrick at Midfield Aviation at KAPV has done my RV-9A for the past 3 years, most recently on Friday morning 6/21. I spend a couple days opening it up, and I'm still reassembling it this week. But keep in mind it's hot to work in the desert so I did everything in the pre-dawn oh-dark-thirty hours in my hangar.

P.S. The first condition inspection on my -9A was also conditional, since it was also my pre-purchase inspection.
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