
I'm considering a move to the Johnson County KS area for family reasons. It will mean uprooting from an ideal build situation for my RV-4 at the AXSYS AIR (VAF advertiser) hangar in WA State, but some things can't be helped.

Does anybody have any suggestions for an airpark close to EAA/VAF resources? I'm still going to need lots of help as a first time builder!

I'd say I'm looking for something as far south of $300k as I can get, within roughly a 3 hr drive maximum to Prairie Village. KS, MO, OK are all optons. Either existing home or a lot to build on.

As a backup, I'd also consider a rental hangar much closer to Prairie Village, say, within 1 hr drive.

Jim Melton
Can't help you with finding a home there, Jim, but when you get to Prairie Villiage, let me know. My mother-in-law lives there and we visit a couple of times each year, and I'd be happy to drop in and supervise your project instead of having to hang out with my wife and her mother.

I promise to stay out of your way and just point out your mistakes as you make them ... :D
I'm just north east of KC in a small town called Kearney and I know that there are several EAA chapters in this area.

The one I know most about is at the Lees Summit, MO airport. It seems to be a very active - there are many experimentals there and of course the RV family is well represented.

Not real sure about airparks but I would call the Lees Summit EAA chapter (look them up on the web) and run the airpark question by them.

Good luck - and bring some warm clothes! ;)
These are far away...but you said 3-hours drive. So the Wichita, KS area has four (1K1, K50, 4KS7, and 18KS). Omaha, NE has one (3NO) [that I know of]. Not sure about in-between or closer to KC. -Another Jim
KC Airpark

There are a few airparks around KC .. however there are very seldom any property for sale .. and when it is it's expensive. That said .. there is hanger space Downtown @KMKC which is reasonable and very close to where you want to live ..15 minutes or so. I couldn't image a 3 hr. drive into KC for work .. maybe 30 minutes.

I've always wanted to live on an airpark .. but then logic gets in the way .. my hanger is cheaper than buying a new house that will be very much more expensive.. when it snows I can get out since the runways are plowed etc. I've been stuck before with 'unimproved' runways in the winter.. a real pain.

I love my new hanger at KMKC .. there are others around but I know there is space available now there. Some of the South airports have multi-year waiting lists.

Let me know when you get into town. It's a great place to be.

Thanks All

Thanks for the ideas, all! Since I have some flexibility on timing, I went on the waiting list for a standard hangar at KMKC. It may take awhile, but that looks like the overall best solution for me. I'll look forward to joining the local RV community when the time comes.

Many thanks,
Jim Melton
Take another look at KLXT. Hangars are available. EAA Chapter 91 has 3 big hangars and plans to build a 4th. Plus we have about 20 RV's on the field.
I am looking at flying out to KLXT sometim next month from Utah. I am an EAA member, and was wondering if anyone would have an open spot in a hangar for me to park my RV-7A in for a few days (maybe a long weekend) while I am out there.
KLXT Hangar Space

I am looking at flying out to KLXT sometim next month from Utah. I am an EAA member, and was wondering if anyone would have an open spot in a hangar for me to park my RV-7A in for a few days (maybe a long weekend) while I am out there.

We can generally accommodate a traveling RV. Our Chapter President and RV9A pilot/builder, Larry Young, works part-time at the airport and can arrange this. Drop me an email directly before you arrive and I will let Larry know you are coming. dfrank at argusconsulting dot com