
I'm New Here
I completed the practice kit from Van's over the Holiday. I've not been able to get to a EAA builder workshop yet, so I'm a complete novice.

I was wondering if a builder or tech advisor within a couple hour drive of my location (Upland, Indiana) would be willing to sit down, look at my practice kit and critique and help me understand the process, tooling, and procedure better?

Any advice, assistance, or thoughts would be appreciated.


I'm not near you, so I'm not much help, but I strongly advise you to find another local builder to "buddy up" with.

I'm just getting started on my -10 and a very experienced local builder came by to review my vertical stabilizer work so far. He was incredibly helpful - pointing out both the places where I can improve some work (I've bought a new skin and will re-do it) as well as giving me confidence about the things I did right.

I'm only a few weeks into this, but I've already made a few mistakes where I stopped and said to myself "holy &*$% - I am going to make a mistake with this plane that will kill my whole family", so having an experienced set of eyes tell me that while some of my skin work may have been a little ugly, the build so far has been structurally sound and airworthy. I'm sleeping easier at night knowing that I'm on the right track.
I completed the practice kit from Van's over the Holiday. I've not been able to get to a EAA builder workshop yet, so I'm a complete novice.

I was wondering if a builder or tech advisor within a couple hour drive of my location (Upland, Indiana) would be willing to sit down, look at my practice kit and critique and help me understand the process, tooling, and procedure better?

Any advice, assistance, or thoughts would be appreciated.




I'm on the south side of Indianapolis. I have modified an RV-8 and built a nice RV-10 and have more than a few rivets in my work history:). My planes are at the Shelbyville airport. I'd be glad to help. Cell is 317 407 8479. Give me a buzz and we can work something out.

I am in the Batesville area and have my 96% complete RV-10 in my home workshop.

Be happy to help...812 six five five 254 zero...

Always looking to pay it forward. We have had and continue to get so much help from everyone here.

Look us up at KPOV. We usually build five night/days a week. Should be flying this spring.

PM me is you are interested, not sure how far of a drive from us you are.

Take Care!