
Well Known Member
Now that NAVWORX has folded, what reasonably priced ADSB IN/OUT recommendations do you have? I installed the 600 EXP last year along with Garmin 625 WAAS and two AFS EFIS. What do you recommend I do now that I'm going to junk my NAVWORX?

Thanks. I just submitted an online inquiry to the company. I'm interested in learning more about your experience with this equipment, and its interface with your othe avionics and EFIS. Robert RV7

We are flying beautiful airplanes likely worth between 40 & Over 100k & choking on spending up to 3k for ADSB In/Out. I don?t understand the logic.
We installed the Stratus/Appareo Transponder ESGi with dual channel ADSB In/Out. Gives you traffic & weather into your iPad using Foreflight.
It was a painless replacement for a KT76A transponder.
We are flying beautiful airplanes likely worth between 40 & Over 100k & choking on spending up to 3k for ADSB In/Out. I don’t understand the logic.

The logic is $3k is only part of a semester of college for some of us, who are trying not to go into debt. If we can reduce that number by a factor of ten, and keep flying our airplane, and keep our kids in college, that works for us. Your mileage may vary, Chief.

Personally, I am going to wait until the last possible moment (a benefit of EAB, no need to worry about avionics shop schedules). I've got my $100 ADSB in solution via Stratux (REALLY good bang for the buck). I have faith, both in the market to drive a cheaper 'out' solution, and the government to push back a deadline.
ADSB Costs.

Very good points.
We just wanted to reduce the risk of the FAA moving the goal posts and costing us more in the long run for dual channel ADSB out. ADSB In is a big improvement in safety?as more Aircraft have it installed. Doesn?t midigate ?see and avoid?.

I have installed the uAvionix Echo UAT, along with the SkyFYX-EXT which gives me ADSB OUT and IN. The SkyFYX is the GPS antenna and receiver all-in-one unit. Total $1400.

Installation was VERY easy, with only 3 wires needed: Power, Ground, and Data. No wire connection to the other avionics in the airplane. ADSB IN is displayed on my I-Fly 740.

Great customer service when I had a configuration issue during installation.

No connection, but a very happy customer.
Now that NAVWORX has folded, what reasonably priced ADSB IN/OUT recommendations do you have? I installed the 600 EXP last year along with Garmin 625 WAAS and two AFS EFIS. What do you recommend I do now that I'm going to junk my NAVWORX?


Do you have 4500s or 5500s? What transponder do you have?

The Dynon/AFS remote transponder coupled with their ADSB receiver gives you both ADSB channels, but you'll need to have 5500s installed.

It's not the lowest cost option, but probably the best integrated into your AFS EFIS.
Do you have 4500s or 5500s? What transponder do you have?

The Dynon/AFS remote transponder coupled with their ADSB receiver gives you both ADSB channels, but you'll need to have 5500s installed.

It's not the lowest cost option, but probably the best integrated into your AFS EFIS.

Yup, Upgraded to the AFS 5000 series, removed the Navworx, installed the AFS/Dynon ADSB and very pleased. They Rock!
We are flying beautiful airplanes likely worth between 40 & Over 100k & choking on spending up to 3k for ADSB In/Out. I don’t understand the logic.
We installed the Stratus/Appareo Transponder ESGi with dual channel ADSB In/Out. Gives you traffic & weather into your iPad using Foreflight.
It was a painless replacement for a KT76A transponder.
I had two friends install the Appareo ESG transponder and use a Stratux receiver/tablet combination for their IN. The combination works great. But since the OP already has an ADS-B compliant position source he can use a less expensive option like the TRIG TT22, the TRIG TT31 or the Appareo ES. It all depends on what your mission is and $$$.

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I've helped a few people with the whole ADS-B in/out deal. The conversation always starts with how do I get compliant and what is the cheapest way to do it.

My standard recommendation is for them to stop looking at their panel as a collection of discrete components and start thinking avionics as a system. Typically I ask if they have any panel upgrades planned - most do. This leads to the identification of the avionics system end state. Now any incremental avionics purchase can be viewed as another step toward the end state. This avoids loosing opportunity to get what you want instead of another collection of components.

I've been full ADS-B in/out for years (dual SkyView system) so I've been spoiled. Of late I've been flying someone else's plane and I'm using one of those standalone ADS-B in receivers displaying on the iPad running Fore Flight. My evaluation is using an iPad for ADS-B in display is just one small step above nothing.

My point - figure out where you want to end up then make sure whatever you do moves you closer.

t. My evaluation is using an iPad for ADS-B in display is just one small step above nothing.

I have a Skyradar ADSB-in displaying traffic and wx on both a GRT HX and an iPad on my lap. I agree with Carl about traffic - you really want it up on the panel. IMHO having weather on the iPad is okay, although not as good as on the panel.
Appareo ESG

Easy install for me to do myself, with $500 rebate and selling my old xponder I think I netted out at around $1500 bucks...

Of course, while I had everything apart, I spent my savings on other stuff too... :D

I already had a gdl39 3d for in...