
Well Known Member
Hi, I bought a partially completed RV-8 QB several months ago and have been working on getting my shop together. I'm now ready to start working on the -8 and would like to meet a tech counselor first to help me wrap my mind around where to begin. Is there a place where I can find a list of local counselors (I live in Salt Lake City)?

Also, side question--since this will be my first visit with one and I know they're volunteers, is there a customary way to thank them for their time?

Also, side question--since this will be my first visit with one and I know they're volunteers, is there a customary way to thank them for their time?

I usually get offered lunch when I stop by to do a Tech Counselor visit.

Sometimes fuel money if I fly over to visit, but I'll do it without that, as I would probably have been flying anyway....

But we're all volunteers, and do it for free! (I might ask for gas money if I were to fly to Utah...;))

I usually get offered lunch when I stop by to do a Tech Counselor visit.

But we're all volunteers, and do it for free! (I might ask for gas money if I were to fly to Utah...;))


Mike, if Paul is serious here, it would probably be some of the best $$$ you will spend on the project.

Having someone who has built an 8 already,to look over a project you have not built---------defiantly a good idea.