

My name is - who would have guessed it - Tobias. I'm from Germany and I started a RV-7 recently. I'm 25 years old, a big aviation enthusiast and just some months ago started working as a pilot for an airline in Switzerland.

In early November (~ 3rd-10th) I will be travelling in California. As my girlfriend can't come with me, I can fully focus on aviation on this trip ;). I hope I can find either an experienced builder who shows me his RV-6/7/8/...-Project and/or someone who can give me a ride in one. Somewhere between LA and SFO would be perfect. So far I got one ride in Florida in a RV-6 last year - it's really time to fly one of these beautiful planes again. :)

Looking forward to your replies! Either in this topic or by private message.

Hi Tobias, WELCOME to VAF!

I'm about a 2.5 hour drive north of LAX and about 7 hours southeast of SFO. I can't offer you a ride (unless it's in a C-170 ;)), but I'd be happy show you my slow build -7 project. Empennage and wings are essentially complete, and I'm almost ready to rivet the aft fuselage.
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if you make it by Las Vegas

Im sure we could arrange both. My number is 7 o 2 two 78 zero 273.
Hi Tobias, WELCOME to VAF!

I'm about a 2.5 hour drive north of LAX and about 7 hours southeast of SFO. I can't offer you a ride (unless it's in a C-170 ;)), but I'd be happy show you my slow build -7 project. Empennage and wings are essentially complete, and I'm almost ready to rivet the aft fuselage.

Tobias, If you can get from LAX via the Van Nuy's FLYAWAY bus, I can fly down, pick you up and then fly you ~25 minutes to see Miles' project; we are neighbors and friends :) Rosie
Tobias, If you can get from LAX via the Van Nuy's FLYAWAY bus, I can fly down, pick you up and then fly you ~25 minutes to see Miles' project; we are neighbors and friends :) Rosie

Paul, it's about time you came up to see the results of my rivet pounding for yourself!;)
I am also about an hour and half from SF and would be happy to take you for a ride if you like to stop by. There are serveral RVs in our airport as well.
Wow, thank you very much for all the replies!! I'm busy working at the moment but within the next few days I should have time to figure out what I can fit in my route/schedule! I'll get back to you.

Tobias :)
I am back home in Germany and I'd like to say thank you again to all of you. Once again I had a great time in the US and in the end I was able to go flying in three different places, look at lots of rivets ;) and meet some really nice and interesting people.

Thank you very much to Paul, Miles, Terry, Roger and Mehrdad. Your friendliness, flexibility and generosity was impressive! Stop by in some years when I am done with my 7 - at the latest.





It was a pleasure meeting you and showing you my project. You are welcome back anytime you are in the area. If Karen and I ever find our way to Germany, we'll let you know we're coming and try to meet up with you.

That pile of parts you saw in my shop is now a complete aft fuselage:

Your visit helped get me refocused after being away from my project for a while. I now have a good start on the center fuselage: