Carl Froehlich

Well Known Member
I know the work involved with creating a good plenum mold - so perhaps someone would be willing to let me borrow one.

I have the stock RV-8 cowl and the stock IO-360-M1B horizontal intake engine.

I know the work involved with creating a good plenum mold - so perhaps someone would be willing to let me borrow one.

I have the stock RV-8 cowl and the stock IO-360-M1B horizontal intake engine.


We're in the same neck of the woods and I have a mold. BUT...... I've not made my plenum yet and since its too cold now, wont be doing it until "70s show back up ie spring. I just finished fitting my cowl so I am hot to get it done as soon as I can. Happy to let you use it thereafter. I copied mine off another plenum thats been flying for about 5yrs. Motor/cowl in the signature block.
If someone has one for a ten please let me know if I can lease or buy it.

For the RV-10, you can use the James IO-540 plenum even though you do not use the James cowl - you will need however to do some glass work on the stock cowl to incorporate the round inlets. Considering the cost, the James plenum is dirt cheap compared to making your own.

I used the James Cowl and plenum on my RV-10 and recommend it. For the RV-8 however I did not want to add the required prop spacer to use the James RV-8 cowl. As I?m using the IO-360-M1B engine I?d like to keep the snorkel intake and not add the separate engine air intake - so just using the James plenum and then modifying the stock Van?s cowl for the round inlets appears problematic.

I?ve seen a lot of nice RV-8 plenums on VAF so I figured there must be a mold or two on the shelf waiting to be used again.
