
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Here's a chance at a Photo Credit in a print magazine for someone! I am looking for a good Hi Rez picture of the spring-bias aileron trim system in the RV-8 for Kitplanes Magazine. I just completed my condition inspection, and really don't want to pull the interior and floor out again - so if anyone has a good 3 Meg jpg, or has their floor off and would like to shoot one, get in touch with me at [email protected] please.


I have exactly what you're looking for staring at me in the shop. However the picture would probably capture a pre-assembly / non-flight piece of hardware (AP) which we've all learned not to publish. If you need a macro shot of a particular part of the assembly, holler.
Thanks for the quick response guys! Scott - check your email if you would, and thanks to others that responded as well - what a resource we have here!
