
Well Known Member
I have a nice IFR RV-7 with FP prop and O-360, 285 hrs AF and E.

Currently hangared at KCCR, I am considering taking a partner for two reasons, one financial and the other to make sure the airplane flies enough. I currently fly it 1-3 times per month.

email me at eneffinger at gmail dot com

I have had two very good partners, one in a Saratoga and my current RV6A. Worked very well. For a while we charged so much an hour for outside maintenance, turns out we flew almost the same amount so we quit that. Have a good buy out if things and mission changes, which happened in the Saratoga. I didn't need the seats anymore. . We both share cleaning duties, I do the maintenance, my partner keeps the books and we split the bills 50/50. This is our fourth year and no issues. I have another airplane I can use for scheduling conflicts, once in four years. We fly at least 150 hours a year. Engines need to be operated to stay healthy. :)
Airplane partnership is normally not a good thing.

My two cents worth.

YMMV. I have been involved in two partnerships previously, both worked out very well. I personally like the idea of the airplane and especially the engine being used on a regular basis.... Not always able to do that on my own.
I have had partners in five airplanes, including my current RV-6A. Each of them was as enjoyable as flying the plane. In my experience, two keys to a successful partnership is to make sure both the usage patterns , and the reason for owning are comparable (fun flying vs purely for business travel). All of them were handshake deals except the current one, and that is only because we put the plane in an LLC for liability reasons and to make shares easier to sell at the request of one of the partners. That actually paid off recently when one of our partners died from cancer. The operating agreement made dealing with his widow a breeze.
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I have been in partnerships before, and found them to be useful and enjoyable. Anyway, still looking for a partner... Put a few more hours on the plane, up to about 430 now. No issues, getting better all the time.
i was in a partnership with 2 other people and it was totally fine.
scheduling was done a year in advance. you had the plane from say wed. to following tues. if you wanted to fly and it wasn't your week you made a phone call to the name on the calender. i don't think there was ever a conflict.
and the money i saved!