
I'm New Here
I have been reading this forum for sometime and love the idea of building a rv-12 someday. Is there anyone in the Northern California area that I could pay to take me up in a RV?? I live in Lake county, but I will drive as needed!

Thanks Nathan
So Cal


Not sure when the next time I'm in northern California will be, but if your in the southern section, let me know and I'll take you for a ride. I am based out of Fullerton with a -6A.

Thankyou, Brayski98
If you get up in this area give me a buzz..Ill give you a couple hundred and buy lunch. I'd go to you, but you are about 7hrs in a car.. 707-355-1101
How about an RV-4?

I'm in Monterey. Once I get my engine back together, I'd be glad to take you up. The RV is a little tight, but they are a true blast to fly.