Contact Pat Patterson in Waddy KY. He is a DAR and VERY knowledgable RV builder. Great guy as well. Here is his info:
Pat Patterson
502-639-2121 cell\502-639-0092home
email at: [email protected]

Tell him I gave you his name
AL Grajek
I am there often but have nothing that would qualify me to inspect it more than saying it looked nice and had wings.

Our flying club uses this guy for maintenance and he is at the airport just about daily.

Dan Holsapple (c) 502-905-0329

He isn't a experimental guy to say, but is an A&P mechanic and knows airplanes.
Pat is more a DAR and might not want to look at a pre buy.
For that matter, I would be happy to go look at it for you. I am a three time RV8 builder. All I would ask is my fuel expense from LEX (20 minutes away). I will bring another RVbuilder with me and give it a reall good look if you like.