
Well Known Member
Planning on building a -8 fastback with a slider. Found a pic today of a fastback -8 on Todd's canopies website. The builders name is Ray Skates. I've called Todd's but, he did not have any info about Ray. I also checked the member's list here and did not find anyone with that name. I'm interested in speaking with Ray about his project and possibly getting some recent photos. The photo on Todd's site is approx. 3 yrs. old. I would appreciate any info that would help me to contact Ray. Todd thinks he is in Arizona.
Thanks for any help. :)
Cant help you with your search for Ray, but wanted to let you know about , who also make a fastback, which uses a tip over canopy setup.

I really like the tip over, allows more shoulder room for the pilot, and no structure in your vision like the slider.

Plus, it looks like access to the back side of the instrument panel is better with the setup.

Take a look, you might like it.
Tom Clark 'kit'

I'm in the [very slow] process of building an RV-8 with the Tom Clark fastback kit. Not really a kit, as such, just some replacement bulkheads. Haven't really got too far into it yet and I'm real busy with work right now which is why progress is almost non-existent. Keep an eye on my kitlog though, because I've done a few bits to it already, and will continue to do so over the coming months if/when time allows.

I went with the Tom Clark kit over the Showplanes because I wasn't too keen on the tip-over and wanted to retain the slider. As it happens, I now think I could live with either one, and I believe the Showplanes kit to be very easy to fit, whereas there is a significant amount of work on the Tom Clark kit (since it basically consists of just replacement bulkheads and nothing else!).

Incidentally, I bought my canopy from Todd and though he assures me it will be just fine I can't actually be certain until the day I throw it on there! Tom Clark's instructions actually recommend Airplane Plastics on Ohio, but I got a real good deal from Todd.
Slider fever

Mike and Jeff,
Thanks for your comments. I've seen the Showplanes stuff and really like it. However, I'd really like to try a slider if I can
keep the front windscreen larger than the ones I've seen on the F1 rocket. That's why I'd like to see as many examples of fastback sliders as possible. The one I saw on Todd's site looked good (Ray Skate) but I'd really like to see more before I make my final decision. At the moment Showplanes is my second choice and may be what I end up building.
Thanks for the Tom clark info. I'll google it and take a look.
