
I'm New Here
Hello all!
The time has come for me to take the plunge, and the RV7 or 8 are at the top of my list. If there is anyone in central Ohio with either aircraft, willing to help "hook" me, it would be much appreciated. Thanks, and I look forward to learning a lot on this forum.
Tom Webster has the only flying RV-7 in the immediate area. There is also a flying RV-10 and a RV-4 in the immediate Columbus area.

Depending on your transportation capabilities (or hitching a ride with one of the locals), the Ohio RVators usually meet someplace every weekend.

There are plenty of both models within a 100 or so miles.

I would recommend join the Ohio RVators mailing list at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OhioValleyRVators/ to find out what is happening and to meet the local RVators.

If you aren't a member of a local EAA Chapter, I would recommend checking out EAA 9 at http://www.eaa9.org. The Homebuilder's subgroup has about a half dozen RV builders in the area. There are both RV-7s and RV-8s being built locally.

PM or email me for more information.


Like Bob said there are several -7s/-8s going together in the Columbus area most are EAA 9 members. As for flying airplanes, the Ohio Valley RVators are an excellent source.

If you are interested in see an -8 go together, please let me know.
Ohio Valley RVators ROCK!

We have over 725 members in our 'Ohio Valley RVators' group. If you live in or near Ohio this is 'THEE' place to be :D. We have LOTS of RV projects under construction and MANY MANY flying RV's. We have UFO's (Ultimate Fly Outs) almost EVERY Saturday (check our 'Calendar') and many of the folks get together during the week. We enjoy formation flying with our RV's as well and we support the F.A.S.T. formation organization (Formation And Safety Team).


Go here to sign up and post a note that you'd like a ride:


Show up at one of our UFO's and you WILL get a ride. If you come down to PKB I'd be more than happy to take you up in my RV.....I'm about 1.75 hrs SE of Columbus by car.

Hint: always best to post your height and weight when requesting a ride so folks know what to expect :D.

Good Luck....looking forward to meeting you!!

Oh yea....WELCOME to Doug's site :D.

Hello all!
The time has come for me to take the plunge, and the RV7 or 8 are at the top of my list. If there is anyone in central Ohio with either aircraft, willing to help "hook" me, it would be much appreciated. Thanks, and I look forward to learning a lot on this forum.
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Hello all!
The time has come for me to take the plunge, and the RV7 or 8 are at the top of my list. If there is anyone in central Ohio with either aircraft, willing to help "hook" me, it would be much appreciated. Thanks, and I look forward to learning a lot on this forum.
I'm in Columbus, based at Bolton, but I have a -6.
I'm in Columbus, based at Bolton, but I have a -6.
Sorry Dave, I missed you when I attempted to list those that were flying in the Columbus area.

I also can't remember is Rich has a RV-6 or RV-7. (aircraftextras.com)

So they are in the area and like Rick stated, many in Ohio.
Sorry Dave, I missed you when I attempted to list those that were flying in the Columbus area.

I also can't remember is Rich has a RV-6 or RV-7. (aircraftextras.com)

So they are in the area and like Rick stated, many in Ohio.
Rich Meske is an RV-6A based at Madison Co., IIRC.
How about:
Glenn Miller (Dogg) at KCMH (RV8)
Mike Allardyce at KCMH (RV7)
Jack Ference at Buckeye Executive (RV6)
How about:
Glenn Miller (Dogg) at KCMH (RV8)
Mike Allardyce at KCMH (RV7)
Jack Ference at Buckeye Executive (RV6)

I believe that Jack has a RV-4. I also believe that Mike and Glenn have sold their RVs recently and are working on a RV-10.
Thanks for all of the responses! I will certainly check out all of the resources mentioned. Rick, thanks for the offer, and if I get time to head down that way I will certainly take you up on it. I flew into PKB a good bit while in flight training at OU-Athens. Brent, I would love to check out your project as well. It will give me an idea of what I am getting myself into :eek:... Dave, how does the -6 compare to a -7? Either way, I would love to have a look. Again, thanks to all for the help.
Oh yeah...as far as my height/weight, you RV won't even know I'm there. 5'9 125 lbs. (after a Thanksgiving dinner!)
I have a 7A based at DLZ. I would be glad
to give you a ride. You might want to join the
OVRV group to get my contact info from the directory.
I won't put it here, but a VAF PM message will work.
I'm retired and can fit your schedule.