
Well Known Member
I am looking at an RV-4 kit that was started back in the 90's. Tail is done and the wings are close. Fuse has not been started. I have a few questions.

The kit was given to a local EAA chapter by the builders wife after he passed. They claim the whole fuse kit is there but I did not see any bulkheads. Were the bulkheads made by the builder in the earlier kits?

Price is 12,500 which I think they know is a bit unrealistic. I know it's hard to price something without looking at it, but what do others think would be a fair price for a second hand tail/wing/fuse kits?

Are there any 4 builders in the Philadelphia area?
I built my -4 in the 90's. My recollection is that the entire kit cost about $10K. A finished RV-4 is not worth is parts value, so I would not expect a partially completed kit to be worth its parts value.

On the upside, the RV-4 has been a dormant design for the past 15-20 years, so the parts are (generally) likely to be current.

Bulkheads were included with the fuselage kits from that era. It would be nice to find the kit included long gear legs, perhaps a pre-manufactured spar (Phlogiston sp?), the center bulkhead and 4 steel splice plates. These parts are manufactured together and go a long way toward ensuring a straight, true aircraft.

Have the tail checked carefully. It is generally the first section of a kit to be built because it represents a fairly small investment. It is not necessarily the easiest though, and it often carries some significant learning curve issues.

The Finish Kit used to be the most expensive kit. Make sure it is complete as you inventory it. Perhaps Van's can provide a BOM to help with the inventorying chore.

Good luck,
I bought a 4 kit that was beyond the QB stage, with an engine in pieces (though most major parts were yellow tagged), some instruments, electric trim, and a few other goodies. It had the short gear. I paid $25k Cdn.

The fiberglass parts on these early kits was gelcoated, thick and heavy and the parts did not fit very well. Nothing like the new kits. But, they make a great flying airplane. But $12.5k is way out of line, especially if it is not built. I would think somewhere between $5k and $8k. But that is an opinion. We all know what part of the anatomy opinions are like.

The factors that made me pay $25k for mine were that it was in my city, so that saved me 1000s in transport right there, and it was built by an AME (A&P).

It all comes down to how bad you want it and how bad they want to sell it. If it is near by then you will be saving a lot of shipping/hauling costs. I would offer something considerably less, then wait patiently. Don't get emotional about it - be prepared to walk away. There are a lot of these kits that never got done. They say 80% don't get finished by the first time builder. These kits are a LOT of work. You need to be dedicated. But, many have done it, and I know very experienced military and test pilots who say the -4 is the best flying one of all the Vans airplanes. So while it is a ton of work, it is worth it.
Post an RV4 kit wanted on VAF

You are likely to stir up a few people who have had a kit around for years. Good way to determine market price or find a better deal. Steve
Also, if you're ambitious, the Rocket II is based upon the RV-4 and shares many of the same parts. Worth looking up....

I would like to thank all of you for the informative responses. Thanks to a member here I think I found a project locally that is going to work for me.