
Well Known Member
Is anyone that has ZipTips on their aircraft going to be at Sun-N-Fun? I am considering using them on my RV-9A build and wanted to take a look in person unfortunately AveoEngineering is not going to be there.

If you decide to buy, let me know. I purchased a set in 2019 for RV9A. went with FLYLEDS. Never opened the box.
Mike sorry I missed you at Sun n fun. I decided to go over to HBP a bit late and saw you taxing out just as I got there. If you don't mind could you tell me your experience with the zip tips? What is the quality compared to the Vans tips and how difficult to install? Would you do it again? Thanks.
Mike sorry I missed you at Sun n fun. I decided to go over to HBP a bit late and saw you taxing out just as I got there. If you don't mind could you tell me your experience with the zip tips? What is the quality compared to the Vans tips and how difficult to install? Would you do it again? Thanks.
Sorry you missed us. We got in late due to the hold over Lake Parker for the pranged T-6 and closed runway.
Frankly, no. I got mine for a good price from an abandoned project.
They are heavier than the standard tips and pretty much impossible to service if something goes wrong (may be different now as they have evolved the design). The one thing I do like is the trailing edge tail light/strobe. Very cool, but I still had to split the tip to get them to align with the aileron, so those TE light recesses made that even more complicated. One of my tips has a two inch crack along the top/bottom joint for no apparent reason. The inside seam tape looks good, but the outside is cracked, which sucks because it is in a tricky paint area. Will have to grind out and flox / repaint at some point. I also had to build up the skin joggle as it was too deep to line up flush with the skin. Laying up thin strips of glass to build it up. Oh, and you can't use the hinge method of attaching the tips due to the extra thick leading edge area (at the skin overlap) because of the light module.
For my next 8, I will go with standard tips and whatever FlyLEDs is up to then. I did ask FlyLEDs to come up with a trailing edge light module, but so far that has not happened. (Paul, are you listening? LOL)
Thanks for the info. Maybe Van's will make the new carbon fiber tips for the RV-9 that fit the Aerosun lights by the time I need mine.
Those are pretty but they are flush. You will still need rear facing NAV and Strobe..... Yes? Yes because there is no way to get required coverage otherwise unless you put the Nav/Strobe on the end of the wing tip exposed. Cheers
Those are pretty but they are flush. You will still need rear facing NAV and Strobe..... Yes? Yes because there is no way to get required coverage otherwise unless you put the Nav/Strobe on the end of the wing tip exposed. Cheers

what are you talking about?