
Well Known Member
Several oil changes ago I noticed the paint on the base of my Tempest oil filter was strangely deformed. Never happened before and couple filters after there was no indication of similar orange peel. I still have one oil filter from that batch will put it in next month and watch...
I change lubricating oil every 50 hours on average and oil filter every 100 hours or so. Can somebody give me a suggestion what caused this paint warp? Rocketbob come back :)

Hi Vlad-
I had a similar rough texture show up on on of my last Tempest filters too. Didn't notice anything abnormal when I put it on but it was pretty obvious when I took it off. Not sure what's up with them. Maybe a bad paint/finish on a recent batch?
Try heating near the top of the filter with a heat gun. See if it does the same wrinkle. It might be a batch of cheap paint that can't handle 200 degrees.
Filter change

50 hrs on oil but 100 on filter? I was always told you should change the filter every time you change the oil. Is that true? I sure would like to change the filter every 100

As you can see by logo on filter is not a tempest product any more now its poor guality and high shipping cost in my opinion.
Yup... it is just paint, fly on. :D I've cut open a many Tempest filters, they are just as good as any other filter out there.
Same here Vlad

Only happens on the Tempest filters. Looks like a poor paint job that can hold up the the heat.
tempest filters

I see this in my shop all the time. Its just the paint. I like Tempest filters and spark plugs way better than Champions.
Sealant outgassing

My company makes air dryer cartridges for air braked vehicles. We've seen the same on our cartridges when the shell to base plate sealant (preapplied) isn't fully dry/cured, and it out gasses under the paint in service. Some curing paints crack and chip, cheap / enamels paint stretches and textures. Important to note you see it after a few heat cycles. The other cause I've seen is that the rollers forming the crimp may be oiled and the assembly isn't cleaned sufficiently before paint, and you're seeing the oil outgassing under heat. That's what this one looks like, to me. Rick