
Well Known Member
Reason #2312 why I love my RV - it has awesome visibility. Not just around, but also upwards. Comes in handy when people try to descend into you ("death from above") . If I had been in something with a roof, I'm not sure I would have seen him in time to avoid unpleasantness.


(Frame capture from helmet mounted video camera)
An actively executed visual lookout scan is paramount to see-and-avoid. Well done, Chief, great write-up and photo.
That picture is remiscent of what I saw at Fisk last Saturday. The guy calling traffic at Fisk said "Are the two low wings over Fisk a flight?"


Looked around and there was a Cherokee in a 50 yard echelon formation with me. Why or how that happened I dunno. There was no traffic in front of me and I was running 100-105 knots to prevent someone from flying up my "6".