
Well Known Member
...and install idler bracket. Such a simple instruction.

Aye Carumba.

I don't know what the deal was tonight, but it took me about an hour to get 1 nut and bolt together. I've decided to install the rear rudder pedals--I think I can get them in and out pretty easily when needed so I installed the brackets to the lower gear towers tonight. The left side took about 3 minutes, the right side--specifically the bolt that goes inside the gear tower--took about 57 more minutes. I'm left handed and had to hold the nut with my right hand and just couldn't get it. As I type I have what I think are permanent creases in my forearms and wrists from the litening holes on the gear towers. Glad the kids were in bed because I said a few (a lot) of bad words.

Thanks for wasting 30 seconds of your life reading--it's too late to go outside and yell Drago ala Rocky 4 as loudly as I can, so I'm here quietly claiming my victory over the nut before turning in.

Next detour: Cut bigger access holes in the gear towers. Can't wait for the gear bolts.
Time not wasted

And neither was your 57 minutes. I say... "Rome wasn't built in a day" and "Nothing worthwhile comes easy".

It's done now, you've learned much, value has been added. Build on !!!:)

RV7A slowbuild, wiring and engine dreaming
Mike: Having a wide tool selection helps for sure! Just yesterday I used my
ViseGrip pliers to grab on to the end of a box end wrench to get an extra 9"
of reach. Duct taped one side of the closed end of the wrench for the nut.
Oh ya, just get it done! :) We won't even talk about how handy a pair of
hemostats are!!
Mike, I feel your pain....

Sunday I spent 2+ hours laying in my baggage area reinstalling my AP servo. Only 6 bolts and two small screws. Your bolt per hour rate is worst then mine, but I still ended up with the creases in my arms from being jammed into place they weren't meant to be.

Wing Bolts in A Models

When I removed all the tools from the cabin after spending 2 1/2 hours lying on my stomach installing the 8 bolts on one wing, I just had to take a picture.

Anyone who has installed the final bolts on a tri-gear knows what I'm talking about.
I'm 5'11" and about 195 pounds, and not that agile anymore, and I have to say that was not a pleasant task.
The 4 top bolts aren't too bad, but the bottom 4 with the weldment for the main gear in the way, is a different world.
60+ hours
What is amazing to me is how much I hurt after struggling with some mechanical project. Neck, shoulder, feet.....after a day or so I feel like I went 2 round with Mike Tyson, except I still have both ears!
I know what you mean Larry--the permanent creases have turned to bruises on my forearms from grinding them against the gear tower holes, and my back and neck are a bit sore from standing at every possible weird angle trying to get my right hand to twist the *#*%) nut on without dropping it for the millionth time. But as Doug translated for me on the first page of VAF--task completed.

It's weird to get such a sense of accomplishment from something so simple, but I'll take it.
Let me get my violin :) I just got finished changing out a Van's gear to a Grove gear on a flying -8. At 6' 4" it wasn't an easy task. I have bruises all over my body, and could barely move the day after. The gear towers on the -8's is a TERRIBLE place to work. I can't wait for the first 10 hours to be flown off so I get to re-torque the bolts. More bruises......

Jim Shannon
RV-8 N184TJ
Charlottesville, VA
on a slightly different note

i got stuck inside the nose wheel well of a P-3C while trying to install bolts on a heat exchanger assymbly... was honestly scared that i was gonna break my arm trying to get out.... then i got stuck.... really stuck. :mad:

thank God i'm not claustrophobic!! :)
Got Help??

I was working on my T-6 engine compartment and had spent about 3 hours trying to start one nut. Several cramps and "expletive deleted's" later, my wife of 37 years walks up and says, "What's the matter, honey?"

After I show her the problem, she picks up the nut, and says, "You mean like this?" and spins it on with one try!! Gotta love it!

Now I ask for help MUCH sooner. :cool:

What is amazing to me is how much I hurt after struggling with some mechanical project. Neck, shoulder, feet.....after a day or so I feel like I went 2 round with Mike Tyson, except I still have both ears!

You've got OFD - Old Fart's Disease. Funny part, I think I've caught it too.