Hello. I am building the 12iS and I received the fuselage kit last month. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the longerons had been pre-bent. I just finished section 22 and I sat down tonight with the plans for 23, which is the side skins. The first page deals with bending the longerons. Have you guys that are ahead of me found that the pre-bent longerons are good to go or does more bending need to be done? I thought that I remembered a recent post about this but I could not find it with a search. Thanks.
Damien Graham
They are pre bent but the first 12" needs to be opened and twisted per the instructions on page 23iS/U-02 for the best fit. Use a bench press with half inch socket for the radius. If you don't your longerons will deform and curl and you will be sad like I was and have to order a new one.